Monday, August 29, 2011

Recap of the Week :)

So my first week is almost are some of the things I did:

-I went to the coast yesterday, which was about a 40-minute drive. It was beautiful, but the water was VERY COLD! I went swimming anyway ;) We stayed there for a couple hours and had a picnic
-I discovered that riding a bike in the city may not be the best thing for me to do ;P My host mom took me to the post office (about 5 minutes away on a bike), and I was scared to death! I ran into the back of a bus...and this was the laugh of my host family for the past three days ;P But seriously, the brakes did not work at all :/ I think I'll just walk next time....
-I went to a Catholic mass at the cathedral in Rennes...I didn't understand anything at all, but it was really cool to be in such an old church
-I went to the biggest market in France (I think, if I understood correctly)-- in Rennes-- on Saturday morning. It was amazing! There was so much food....we bought mussels there for lunch (which I have never tried before) and I loved them :D
-I was invited to one of my host sister's friends' home yesterday to have crepes for a snack...yum ;)

Tonight I am switching host families because the other ones were on vacation....It's gonna be a little hard, because it has taken a while to adjust to this one, but oh well :P


  1. AWESOME Claire (except the part about the mussels and the bike trip)!!! Love your blog - keep the pics and stories coming!

  2. J' aime les moules !

    Love to know what you're doing and see the sights you see. It makes me feel as if I'm there. Actually, I have been there and look forward to going back.

    Enjoy the new family.

    Gramdma Kitties

  3. As-tu déjà essayé les huitres, les tourteaux et les araignées de mer?
    C'est un régal! Bon moi je ne mange plus d'huitres car je crois que je suis allergique.
    J'attends toujours de connaître tes impressions sur la langue de boeuf ;-P
    Merci de partager toutes ces nouvelles. C'est rafraichissant et très sympa.
    Surtout, n'arrête pas!
    Pas facile de changer de famille! Bon courage.
    Nous t'embrassons toutes très fort.
    Chris + crew

    PS: tu ne nous a pas dit si tu viendrais nous voir une fois? Tu es la bienvenue!

  4. Claire! That totally sounds like something you would do! :) I'm glad you're having a good time, stay away from those buses!! We all miss you,and love you a TON! XOXO

  5. J'aime beaucoup la langue de boeuf !

    Grandmere Les Petits Chats : ))
